Table of Contents
What Are Connectors? #
- Connectors are the little arrows that link the chips together in the Workshop’s Grid.
- They control the order in which your ChipWit follows the commands, guiding it from one chip to the next.
Types of Connectors #
- Basic Connectors:
- These connect chips in a line. Your ChipWit will follow the directions that the connectors point to to perform actions one after another. They are gray in color.
- These connect chips in a line. Your ChipWit will follow the directions that the connectors point to to perform actions one after another. They are gray in color.
- True or False Connectors:
- These let you create choices in your program. Depending on a condition (like a sensor reading), the ChipWit will follow one path (True – green) or another (False – red).
- These let you create choices in your program. Depending on a condition (like a sensor reading), the ChipWit will follow one path (True – green) or another (False – red).
- Using Connectors to Loop:
- These are used to make your ChipWit repeat actions. You connect the last chip back to an earlier one using the connectors, creating a loop. Below, see how the Zap chip directs back to the If See Electrocrab chip?
You can also use Junction to help you loop as well, depending on your needs.
- These are used to make your ChipWit repeat actions. You connect the last chip back to an earlier one using the connectors, creating a loop. Below, see how the Zap chip directs back to the If See Electrocrab chip?
How to Use Connectors #
- Basic Flow:
- Place chips on the grid and use connectors to direct the action flow left, up, down, or right depending on Workshop socket position. You cannot point connectors, for example, into walls or beyond the bounds of the Workshop. The chips are executed left to right, following the direction the connectors point in. Linear and does not branch.
- Decisions:
- Use chips that create True or False choices to branch the flow. If you place a chip that checks for something (like a If See chip), this creates a True or False branch. These connectors are shown as green for True and have a small T on them, and red for False with a small F. A choice will be made based off of your ChipWit’s observations.
- Repeating Actions:
- To make your ChipWit repeat something, connect the last chip in a sequence back to the first chip, creating a loop.
Examples of Use
- Place three “Skate Forward” chips with all connectors pointing to the right
- When Play is pressed, the ChipWit will skate forward three floor spaces.
- Place a If See Wall chip.
- For the Green true arrow (yes, the ChipWit DOES see a wall!) connect a Skate Right chip
- For the Red false arrow (no, the ChipWit does NOT see a wall), place a Skate Forward chip
- When Play is pressed the ChipWit will evaluate if there is a wall; if there IS one, it will turn right. If there is not one, it will Skate Forward one floor square.
- Place If See Electrocrab chip
- For the Green true arrow, place Zap chip
- Direct the Zap‘s connector back to the If See Electrocrab chip
- When Play is pressed, the action of looking for and zapping Electrocrabs will be looped until there are no more crabs.
Why Connectors Matter
Connectors make your ChipWit’s program flexible.
They control how it moves through your commands, allowing you to create choices, sequences, and loops. By using connectors smartly, you can make your ChipWit solve more complex challenges!
There are levels that contain locked chips.
These are pre-placed in the Workshop when the level begins. This means that while the connectors can be moved, the chip itself must remain where it is placed. Knowing how to use the connectors for these kinds of missions is essential!
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