ChipWits is Beta Testing!

posted in: Devlog | 0

We’re excited to announce that ChipWits is officially in Beta Testing mode! We’ve decided to form several cohorts of testers, at three stages: Our goal is to form testing cohorts with a mix of ages, experiences and demographics so that … Continued

ChipWits Has a Steam Store Page!

posted in: Devlog | 3

Hey everyone, I have some exciting news – ChipWits’ Steam Store page was approved today. Check it out! The page includes a trailer and several real gameplay screenshots. If you’re reading this, please wishlist our game on Steam if you … Continued

Why is Random COINFLIP an OP?

posted in: Devlog | 0

When Mike and I developed ChipWits to the point where we could play it, we realized that we needed to add some randomness to IBOL. Let’s see why it was important to add the random COINFLIP operator, and get a … Continued

Finding Our Game Audience

posted in: Devlog | 0

One of the most challenging aspects of developing ChipWits has been finding our game audience. As we’re nearing a trailer and playable demo, we’d like to take some time to start building our list of journalists, streamers, influencers and other … Continued