UnityWebRequest to Game Server

posted in: Devlog | 5

In the past two weeks I’ve been experimenting with different ways to talk to the ChipWits game server from our game, and found that using protocol buffers with UnityWebRequest is the best way forward for us. In this devlog post, … Continued

Leaderboard Game

posted in: Devlog, Nostalgia | 1

Will you be able to beat the world’s top ChipWit programmers? One of the features we’re most excited about in the new reboot of ChipWits is making it a leaderboard game. Here’s a preview of the leaderboard in our latest … Continued

9 Slicing Walls

posted in: Devlog | 0

In Surprising Diagonal Movement Challenges, I mentioned that 9 slicing walls (a.k.a. wall slicing) is our solution to prevent the ChipWit from appearing to be stuck inside a square when it is actually allowed to move diagonally. The ChipWit wants … Continued

Interview by @TeaLeavesProgramming

posted in: Devlog, Team | 4

We’re honored to have Peter B. (Host of the Tea Leaves Programming YouTube Channel) amongst our fans of the game. Peter picked up on our post about FORTH Programming Language and generously offered to do a ChipWits interview on his … Continued

Surprising Diagonal Movement Challenges

posted in: Devlog | 1

In a recent devlog post, we discussed Rotating 45 Degrees. Given a rectangular grid, the original game design allowed for diagonal movement rather than restricting to horizontal and vertical movement. This poses some surprising challenges. First, a tiny math refresher… … Continued

Rotate 45 Degrees

posted in: Devlog | 0

ChipWits wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if your robot couldn’t turn. Doug Sharp and Mike Johnston, the original designers of ChipWits, made two important decisions that affect the gameplay: The operator that causes ChipWit to rotate 45 degrees left or … Continued

Robot Claw

posted in: Devlog, Nostalgia | 0

Perhaps the most important way your ChipWit interacts with the world is to pick up items. This is done using the “PICKUP” operator, which extends a robot claw and picks up whichever item is directly in front of the robot. … Continued